Faculty Advisor(s)

John Morgan



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Oxidation is a vital process in organic and biochemical reactions. In particular, the oxidation of aromatic aldehydes to carboxylic acids and esters is a vital process used in many different environments. Benzaldehyde is one common subject of this type of reaction, used in the synthesis of benzoic acid and benzoate derivatives. Unfortunately, the industrial synthesis of these compounds uses harmful heavy metal oxidants such as Chromium(VI) and Manganese(VII), which are very harmful to the environment. We proposed to eliminate these pollutants by using atmospheric oxygen and an organic catalyst in a solvent free reaction. This reaction would then be microwaved in a household microwave for 5 to 15 minutes in order to reduce the reaction time. Thus, we plan to eliminate both solvent and heavy metal waste, as well as significantly reduce reaction time, and drop overall costs. We succeeded in validating our method by getting a thirty percent yield of benzoic acid.

Publication Date


Document Type



Chemistry & Biochemistry


Green Chemistry, Oxidation, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry


Environmental Chemistry | Organic Chemistry

Green Chemistry: The Oxidation of Benzaldehyde Using Atmospheric Oxygen and N-heterocyclic Carbenes as Catalysts
