
Makalie Blazick

Faculty Advisor(s)

Elaine Halesey



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Low dose Computed Tomography (CT) screening is essential when finding and treating suspicious lung nodules. A CT machine uses a highly advanced detector assembly that measures the amount of radiation exiting the patient and records data. A CT machine also conducts three-dimensional reconstructions of images that is used for surgical planning, CT angiography (CTA), radiation therapy planning, and virtual reality imaging. The low dose lung cancer screening is usually reserved for older patients with the greatest risk of lung cancer, including former or current smokers. To determine if someone is eligible for low dose CT screening, the pack years are calculated by multiplying the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years someone has been smoking. Researchers conducted a study using 50 milliamperes-second (mAs) for a low dose CT screening instead of 150 mAs for a standard dose CT screening. The results reveal that in comparison, the low dose and standard dose offer the same diagnostic performance and characterization capabilities when searching for lung cancers. Unfortunately, low dose lung cancer screening is heavily underutilized at a rate of only 2% in the United States. Discussing the risks and benefits from a low dose CT screening is highly recommended, especially for people around the age 70.

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Medical Imaging


computed tomography, low dose lung cancer screening, lung cancer, standard dose CT protocols, low dose CT protocols, underutilization of low dose CT screening


Medicine and Health Sciences

Low-Dose Lung Cancer Screening Computed Tomography
