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Gina Capitano



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Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a type of breast cancer absent of estrogen and progesterone within the cancer cells. Additionally, TNBC is absent of a large amount of the protein HER2. Negative testing for all three elements is indicative of TNBC. Approximately 10-15% of women with breast cancer are diagnosed with TNBC. African American women under 40 years of age and women with the BRCA1 mutation are most commonly diagnosed with TNP. The BRCA1 gene is important when fighting off cancer. If there is a mutation within the BRCA1 gene, then that makes men and women more susceptible to cancer. Although rare, TNBC is extremely invasive and typically has a poor prognosis. Symptoms of TNBC include swelling, pain, nipple discharge, swollen lymph nodes, and a hard lump within the breast. It can be diagnosed through different imaging modalities and biopsies. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. There are different stages of TNBC that require different treatments.

Keywords: Triple Negative Breast Cancer, TNBC, Breast Cancer Treatment

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Medical Imaging


triple negative breast cancer, TNBC, breast cancer treatment


Medicine and Health Sciences

The Presentation of Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Mammography
