Faculty Advisor(s)

Sheryl Goss



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Breast imaging is an integral medical examination for both screening and diagnosis of breast disease. Through literature review and use of a case study comparing mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) the research illustrates the essential role of each imaging modality in differentiating breast tissue characteristics that lend to rendering a diagnosis. The case study showcases an example of mammography being the first choice of imaging with ultrasound and MRI utilized to further characterize the findings seen on mammography. For effective patient management, biopsy is required for final diagnosis of pathology with ultrasound as the preferred modality for guidance of the needle path being visualized in real time. The advantages and limitations of each imaging modality are discussed to understand why mammography is the most widely used for screening purposes over ultrasound and MRI. More correlation between imaging modalities needs to be utilized as it is essential that patients are being followed appropriately to ensure an accurate diagnosis and management occurs.

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Document Type



Diagnostic Medical Sonography


breast imaging, mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), dense breast tissue, breast cancer


Medicine and Health Sciences

Breast Imaging: Comparison of Mammography, Ultrasound, and MRI
