Faculty Advisor(s)

Elaine Halesey



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Radiation therapy is utilized to treat tumor cells with high-dose radiation. When the severity of the cancer progresses, the goal of radiation therapy becomes relief of symptoms. This is referred to as palliative radiotherapy. Palliative radiotherapy can be futile if not administered efficiently. There is a recurring question of how to achieve optimal palliative radiotherapy for patients. This research evaluates the most effective factors to optimize treatment, such as proper patient selection and effective timing. A guideline for treatment selection based upon patient performance status, severity of symptoms, progression of cancer, and metastasis of cancer is formed. The sooner a diagnosis can be made, the increased chance palliative radiotherapy will improve quality of life. The stage of the cancer should determine fractionization. The more advanced the stage, the more the tumor is affecting normal cell development. If a quicker body response to radiation therapy is needed, higher doses with single or limited fractions should be administered.

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Medical Imaging


radiation therapy, palliative radiotherapy, cancer patients, relief of symptoms, fractionization


Medicine and Health Sciences

Maximizing Effectiveness of Palliative Radiotherapy in Terminal Cancer Patients
