Faculty Advisor(s)
Gina Capitano
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Respiratory gating is used in radiation therapy to maximize the effect of radiation on the target area while also minimizing radiation exposure to surrounding normal tissue. This is accomplished through the use of breath-holds during treatment. This study focuses on a specific patient who had difficulty holding their breath for the required treatment time. The question being asked was, would inadequate breath-holds lead to a negative effect on the patient’s outcome? This study was conducted by following the patient’s treatment course and comparing end results with similar patients who were able to complete breath-holds to a more satisfying degree. The result of the study was that the patient having inadequate breath-holds did not negatively affect the patient’s end outcomes in a significant manner. The conclusion to this being that the respiratory gating system that was employed was able to rectify any negative effects stemming from inadequate breath-holds. A possible implication from this study could be that more patients are eligible for respiratory gating techniques than previously thought due to the effectiveness of gating systems in compensating for poor breath-holds.
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Document Type
Medical Imaging
: respiratory gating, breath-hold, radiation therapy, inspiration, monitoring systems
Medicine and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
Snyder, Ethan, "Respiratory Gating in Radiation Therapy Without Adequate Breath-Holds" (2021). Student Research Poster Presentations 2021. 63.